T: 0117 301 2560 | Email: hello@hometurflettings.co.uk

Reach Housing Support

About the service

Reach is a partnership between DHI, Stonham (part of HomeGroup) and Clean Slate.

We provide a combination of practical and emotional support to help people live independently and develop useful life skills.

How we help

The support Reach offers includes advice on housing, benefits, and managing debts; it can also refer clients to other specialist agencies.

Our free and confidential service can help people to:

  • Find suitable housing
  • Maintain their current housing
  • Understand their housing rights and responsibilities
  • Deal with rent or mortgage arrears
  • Budget effectively and maximise their income
  • Set up a new home
  • Access employment, training and educational courses or services

Reach also deliver other services for rough sleepers:

  • a rough sleeping assertive outreach service based on the No Second Night Out principles, run in partnership with Julian House
  • Housing First, where entrenched rough sleepers are given secure and stable housing with wraparound support, in partnership with Julian House and Curo
  • our Homeless in Hospital service, which works from the Bath Royal United Hospital to ensure that rough sleepers are not discharged back to the street.

Accessing the service


01225 422156



More to explore

Sue’s Story

amount of time sleeping on friends sofas, known as sofa surfing, but it was long enough to realise she was at real risk of ‘slipping through the net.’

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